Reaching the world's great cities

1402013-Kids Near Abuja-Nigeriaphoto

This report from the Melbourne Age. . .

TOKYO remains the world's biggest city. But the city that will expand by more than any other in the next 10 years, adding 5 million to its population, is not in Asia, Europe, or the Americas.

Lagos, the capital of Nigeria, in west Africa, will be the world's fastest-growing mega-city over the decade to 2015, United Nations experts estimate.

Thirty years ago, Lagos had 2 million people. By 2015 it will have 16 million inhabitants.

It epitomises the rise of the Third World mega-cities, vast sprawling oceans of people living largely in makeshift shanty towns and slums.

By 2015, the UN estimates, the world will have 22 cities with more than 10 million residents. Of these, 18 will be in developing countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and eastern Europe.

more: Poor mega-cities to topple Rome, Berlin

So what's the plan to reach the world's great cites? We need at least 1.5 million new churches.

Sparking and partnering with indigenous church planting movements is the only way—combined with strategies to fuel indigenous movements for economic development, health care and education.


Steve Addison

Steve multiplies disciples and churches. Everywhere.

Bob Roberts turns church planting on it head


The birth of a child