1,369 Movements to Christ — and counting

Justin Long

Justin Long

Only God starts movements but we have to be there because he uses us.

Justin Long

Ten years ago Justin Long thought there might be around 100 multiplying movements of disciples and churches around the world.

By 2017 he'd documented 600 movements—beyond all expectations.

A movement consistently sees four generations of disciples gathered in churches, in multiple streams. Usually that’s at least 1,000 disciples, but the important measure is four generations of disciples and churches. Once a movement reaches four generations, it rarely ends.

Today, Justin is tracking 1,369 movements around the world. That’s over 1% of the world’s population. At least 77 million disciples in 4.8 million churches.

In addition to existing movements, there are 4,500 “engagements” around the world. An engagement is a team or teams focused on starting a movement among a specific people group, cluster, or language.

Movements are found predominantly in Asia and Africa where the world’s population is growing the fastest. The largest number of disciples are among former Muslims and Hindus.

There are documented movements in Europe, Latin America, North America, and the Pacific.

Movements are strongest in rural areas but are moving into the cities.

The number of movements is growing incrementally, not yet exponentially. The number of churches is growing exponentially.

Read the full report.

Steve Addison

Steve multiplies disciples and churches. Everywhere.


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